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- Transactions vs Two-Phase commit
MongoDB Transactions vs Two-Phase commit
In this article we are going to investigate the difference in performance between using MongoDB Transactions
or a Two-phase
commit for a simple bank account transfer. The benchmarks were run on a local desktop and over a limited set of accounts to ensure we can get intermittent write conflicts.
The Code
We are going to try to transfer an amount of money between two accounts and rollback if it fails. There are two implementations. The first is based on using a two-phase
commit without the use of multi-document
transactions. The second implementation is using the new multi-document
transaction support in MongoDB 4.0.x or higher. For simplicities sake we present the code using mongo shell
syntax. The actual benchmarks was run using the schema-simulation
tool found at
Multi-Document Transaction
For the multi-document
transaction approach we retry transactions on failure to ensure it passed. Below is some sample code of how this could be done in the mongo shell
. For the benchmarking we used a kotlin/java framework that is in development that can be found at https://github.com/learn-mongodb-the-hardway/mongodb-schema-simulator.
var db = db.getSisterDB("bank");
var session = db.getMongo().startSession();
var accounts = session.getDatabase("bank").accounts;
var transactions = session.getDatabase("bank").transactions;
// Retries a transaction commit
function retryUnknownTransactionCommit(session) {
while(true) {
try {
// Attempt to commit the transaction
} catch (err) {
if (err.errorLabels != null
&& err.errorLabels.includes("UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) {
// Keep retrying the transaction
// The transaction cannot be retried,
// return the exception
return err;
function executeTransaction(session, from, to, amount) {
while (true) {
try {
// Start a transaction on the current session
readConcern: { level: "snapshot" }, writeConcern: { w: "local" }
// Debit the `from` account
var result = accounts.updateOne(
{ name: from, amount: { $gte: amount } },
{ $inc: { amount: -amount } });
// If we could not debit the account, abort the
// transaction and throw an exception
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("failed to debit the account [" + from + "]");
// Credit the `from` account
result = accounts.updateOne(
{ name: to },
{ $inc: { amount: amount } });
// If we could not credit the account, abort the
// transaction and throw an exception
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("failed to credit the account [" + to + "]");
// Insert a record of the transaction
{ from: from, to: to, amount: amount, on: new Date() });
// Attempt to commit the transaction
// Transaction was committed successfully break the while loop
} catch (err) {
// If we have no error labels rethrow the error
if (err.errorLabels == null) {
throw err;
// Our error has error labels and contains the UnknownTransactionCommitResult label
if (err.errorLabels.includes("UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) {
// Retry the transaction commit
var exception = retryUnknownTransactionCommit(session, err);
// No error, commit as successful, break the while loop
if (exception == null) break;
// Error has no errorLabels, rethrow the error
if (exception.errorLabels == null) throw exception;
// Error labels include TransientTransactionError label
// Start while loop again, creating a new transaction
if (err.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
// Rethrow the error
throw exception;
// Error labels include TransientTransactionError label
// Start while loop again, creating a new transaction
if (err.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
// Rethrow the error
throw err;
executeTransaction(session, "Peter", "Joe", 100);
Let’s break down the code in rough steps. First let’s look at the executeTransaction
function executeTransaction(session, from, to, amount) {
while (true) {
try {
// Start a transaction on the current session
readConcern: { level: "snapshot" }, writeConcern: { w: "local" }
// Debit the `from` account
var result = accounts.updateOne(
{ name: from, amount: { $gte: amount } },
{ $inc: { amount: -amount } });
// If we could not debit the account, abort the
// transaction and throw an exception
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("failed to debit the account [" + from + "]");
// Credit the `from` account
result = accounts.updateOne(
{ name: to },
{ $inc: { amount: amount } });
// If we could not credit the account, abort the
// transaction and throw an exception
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("failed to credit the account [" + to + "]");
// Insert a record of the transaction
{ from: from, to: to, amount: amount, on: new Date() });
// Attempt to commit the transaction
// Transaction was committed successfully break the while loop
} catch (err) {
// If we have no error labels rethrow the error
if (err.errorLabels == null) {
throw err;
// Error labels include TransientTransactionError label
// Start while loop again, creating a new transaction
if (err.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
// Our error has error labels and contains the UnknownTransactionCommitResult label
if (err.errorLabels.includes("UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) {
// Retry the transaction commit
var exception = retryUnknownTransactionCommit(session);
// No error, commit as successful, break the while loop
if (exception == null) break;
// Error has no errorLabels, rethrow the error
if (exception.errorLabels == null) throw exception;
// Error labels include TransientTransactionError label
// Start while loop again, creating a new transaction
if (err.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
// Rethrow the error
throw exception;
// Rethrow the error
throw err;
First we create a new transaction
and then we apply the operations to transfer the money from one account to another. The first statement debits
the from
var result = accounts.updateOne(
{ name: from, amount: { $gte: amount } },
{ $inc: { amount: -amount } });
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("failed to debit the account [" + from + "]");
If the debit fails we abort the transaction and throw an error to signal the debit
operation failed. Next we credit
the to
result = accounts.updateOne(
{ name: to },
{ $inc: { amount: amount } });
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("failed to credit the account [" + to + "]");
If the credit
fails we abort the transaction and throw an error to signal the credit
operation failed. Finally we record
the transaction.
{ from: from, to: to, amount: amount, on: new Date() });
Once we have set up all the operations we attempt to commit the transaction
If the transaction fails that’s when the fun starts. Let’s look at the exception
} catch (err) {
// If we have no error labels rethrow the error
if (err.errorLabels == null) {
throw err;
// Error labels include TransientTransactionError label
// Start while loop again, creating a new transaction
if (err.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
// Our error has error labels and contains the UnknownTransactionCommitResult label
if (err.errorLabels.includes("UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) {
// Retry the transaction commit
var exception = retryUnknownTransactionCommit(session);
// No error, commit as successful, break the while loop
if (exception == null) break;
// Error has no errorLabels, rethrow the error
if (exception.errorLabels == null) throw exception;
// Error labels include TransientTransactionError label
// Start while loop again, creating a new transaction
if (err.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
// Rethrow the error
throw exception;
// Rethrow the error
throw err;
If we have an error object with no errorLabels
we rethrow it as the transaction cannot be retried. However if we do have errorLabels
we need to inspect them.
If the label TransientTransactionError
is present we cannot retry the current transaction so we continue
the while loop, forcing the creation of a new transaction.
However if the errorLabels
contains the label UnknownTransactionCommitResult
we can retry the current transaction. We do this by calling in the retryUnknownTransactionCommit
function with the current session. Lets look at the function in details.
// Retries a transaction commit
function retryUnknownTransactionCommit(session) {
while(true) {
try {
// Attempt to commit the transaction
} catch (err) {
if (err.errorLabels != null
&& err.errorLabels.includes("UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) {
// Keep retrying the transaction
// The transaction cannot be retried,
// return the exception
return err;
While the session.commitTransaction()
call returns the UnknownTransactionCommitResult
we keep retrying the transaction. If the transaction commit is successful we break out of the loop returning null. If the error returned is different to UnknownTransactionCommitResult
we return the error.
Returning to the point where we call the retryUnknownTransactionCommit
function we see the following logic.
// Retry the transaction commit
var exception = retryUnknownTransactionCommit(session);
// No error, commit as successful, break the while loop
if (exception == null) break;
// Error has no errorLabels, rethrow the error
if (exception.errorLabels == null) throw exception;
// Error labels include TransientTransactionError label
// Start while loop again, creating a new transaction
if (err.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
// Rethrow the error
throw exception;
If the returned exception
is null
we break the while
loop as our transaction was successfully committed. If the exception
does not include errorLabels
we rethrow the exception. On the other hand if the exception contains errorLabels
and the labels include the label TransientTransactionError
we cannot retry the current transaction so we continue
the while loop, forcing the creation of a new transaction.
Two Phase Commit
The Two Phase
commit approach takes a different approach using double bookkeeping to ensure consistent account transfers. Let’s look at a self contained example below that showcases how the pattern could be implemented using the mongo shell
var db = db.getSisterDB("bank");
var accounts = db.accounts;
var transactions = db.transactions;
accounts.insertOne({ _id: 1, name: "Joe Moneylender", balance: 1000, pendingTransactions:[] });
accounts.insertOne({ _id: 2, name: "Peter Bum", balance: 1000, pendingTransactions:[] });
function cancel(id) {
{ _id: id },
{ $set: { state: "canceled" } }
function rollback(from, to, amount, id) {
// Reverse debit
name: from,
pendingTransactions: { $in: [id] }
}, {
$inc: { balance: amount },
$pull: { pendingTransactions: id }
// Reverse credit
name: to,
pendingTransactions: { $in: [id] }
}, {
$inc: { balance: -amount },
$pull: { pendingTransactions: id }
function cleanup(from, to, id) {
// Remove the transaction ids
{ name: from },
{ $pull: { pendingTransactions: id } });
// Remove the transaction ids
{ name: to },
{ $pull: { pendingTransactions: id } });
// Update transaction to committed
{ _id: id },
{ $set: { state: "done" } });
function executeTransaction(from, to, amount) {
var transactionId = ObjectId();
_id: transactionId,
source: from,
destination: to,
amount: amount,
state: "initial"
var result = transactions.updateOne(
{ _id: transactionId },
{ $set: { state: "pending" } }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("Failed to move transaction " + transactionId + " to pending");
// Set up pending debit
result = accounts.updateOne({
name: from,
pendingTransactions: { $ne: transactionId },
balance: { $gte: amount }
}, {
$inc: { balance: -amount },
$push: { pendingTransactions: transactionId }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
rollback(from, to, amount, transactionId);
throw Error("Failed to debit " + from + " account");
// Setup pending credit
result = accounts.updateOne({
name: to,
pendingTransactions: { $ne: transactionId }
}, {
$inc: { balance: amount },
$push: { pendingTransactions: transactionId }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
rollback(from, to, amount, transactionId);
throw Error("Failed to credit " + to + " account");
// Update transaction to committed
result = transactions.updateOne(
{ _id: transactionId },
{ $set: { state: "committed" } }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
rollback(from, to, amount, transactionId);
throw Error("Failed to move transaction " + transactionId + " to committed");
// Attempt cleanup
cleanup(from, to, transactionId);
executeTransaction("Joe Moneylender", "Peter Bum", 100);
Let’s break down the function executeTransaction
step by step and discuss what happens at each step and how to recover from an error.
_id: transactionId,
source: from,
destination: to,
amount: amount,
state: "initial"
The first step inserts a new document into the transactions
collection that contains the information about the transfer we are about to perform. The state of the transaction
is set to initial
signaling we have just started the process.
var result = transactions.updateOne(
{ _id: transactionId },
{ $set: { state: "pending" } }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
throw Error("Failed to move transaction " + transactionId + " to pending");
Next we attempt to flip the transaction to the state pending
. If it fails (result.modifiedCount == 0
) we attempt to cancel the transaction calling the function cancel
. Let’s look at the what the cancel
function does.
function cancel(id) {
{ _id: id },
{ $set: { state: "canceled" } }
The function basically attempts to set the state
of the transaction to canceled
. After returning from the cancel
function we throw an exception signalling the caller of the executeTransaction
function that is failed.
However if we are successful at setting the transaction
state to pending
we can start the process of applying the transaction
result = accounts.updateOne({
name: from,
pendingTransactions: { $ne: transactionId },
balance: { $gte: amount }
}, {
$inc: { balance: -amount },
$push: { pendingTransactions: transactionId }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
rollback(from, to, amount, transactionId);
throw Error("Failed to debit " + from + " account");
We look up the from
account, ensuring that the pendingTransactions
array does not contain the transactionId
and that the account balance
is greater or equal
to the amount we are going to debit. If we the document matches we are going to debit
the account balance
by amount
and push the transactionId
to the pendingTransactions
If no document was modified we know the update
of the account failed and we need to call the rollback
function to cancel the transaction before we throw an exception signaling the application that the transfer failed. Let’s have a look at the rollback
function rollback(from, to, amount, id) {
// Reverse debit
name: from,
pendingTransactions: { $in: [id] }
}, {
$inc: { balance: amount },
$pull: { pendingTransactions: id }
// Reverse credit
name: to,
pendingTransactions: { $in: [id] }
}, {
$inc: { balance: -amount },
$pull: { pendingTransactions: id }
To rollback a transaction we need to reverse it on the from
and to
accounts. First we have to remove the transaction from the from
account returning the reserved amount
to the balance
name: from,
pendingTransactions: { $in: [id] }
}, {
$inc: { balance: amount },
$pull: { pendingTransactions: id }
We will update the account if it contains the transaction
by matching on the name
and if the pendingTransactions
array contains transaction id
. If the document matches we will add the amount
to the balance
and remove the transaction id
from the pendingTransaction
. Next we need to reverse the transaction
on the to
account as well.
name: to,
pendingTransactions: { $in: [id] }
}, {
$inc: { balance: -amount },
$pull: { pendingTransactions: id }
The only difference from the from
account is that we will deduct the amount
from the balance
of the account. Finally we call the cancel
method to set the transaction state
to canceled
. Returning to the executeTransaction
function lets look at the next statement.
result = accounts.updateOne({
name: to,
pendingTransactions: { $ne: transactionId }
}, {
$inc: { balance: amount },
$push: { pendingTransactions: transactionId }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
rollback(from, to, amount, transactionId);
throw Error("Failed to credit " + to + " account");
Just as in the case of applying the transactionId
to the from
account we ensure the account
does not already contain the transactionId
in the pendingTransaction
. If it does not exist in pendingTransaction
we add the amount
to the balance
and push the transactionId
to the pendingTransactions
If the document fails to update, we call the rollback
function as we did previously and then throw an exception to signal the application the transaction failed.
Finally we are going to flip the state of the transaction
to committed
result = transactions.updateOne(
{ _id: transactionId },
{ $set: { state: "committed" } }
if (result.modifiedCount == 0) {
rollback(from, to, amount, transactionId);
throw Error("Failed to move transaction " + transactionId + " to committed");
If it fails we call the rollback
function to reverse the transaction. Finally we call the cleanup
function. Let’s have a look at what the function does.
function cleanup(from, to, id) {
// Remove the transaction ids
{ name: from },
{ $pull: { pendingTransactions: id } });
// Remove the transaction ids
{ name: to },
{ $pull: { pendingTransactions: id } });
// Update transaction to committed
{ _id: id },
{ $set: { state: "done" } });
The first update will remove the transactionId
from the from
account. The second update will do the same for the to
account. Finally the last update will set the transaction state
to done
finalizing the transfer between the two accounts.
Performance Run and Analysis
Lets run two comparison benchmarks to look at two specific traffic scenarios applied to both the transaction
approach as well as the Two-Phase
The first scenario is one where we have a single thread
performing an account transfer every millisecond
for 35 seconds
The second scenario we run the same transfer every millisecond
but using five threads
for 35 seconds
We use the schema simulator tool at https://github.com/learn-mongodb-the-hardway/mongodb-schema-simulator to generate the load and record the results.
We take measurement from
5 to 35 seconds
to avoid the initial period ofcache warmup
as well asJava JIT warmup
Single Thread
For the single thread scenario we get the following results.

The graph above shows the results of the transaction

The graph above shows the results of the Two-Phase
approach. Lets take the key numbers and put them in a table for easing comparison.
Transactions | Two-Phase commit | |
mean ms |
2.02 ms | 4.35 ms |
min ms |
1.6335 ms | 3.2685 ms |
max ms |
47.2947 ms | 70.4311 ms |
95 percentile ms |
2.38 ms | 5.45 ms |
99 percentile ms |
2.64 ms | 6.02 ms |
I> mean
is the geometric mean
. The geometric mean is a mean or average, which indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of numbers
is the minimum value found in the set.
I> max
is the maximum value found in the set.
I> pth percentile
is the percentage
of the data that is smaller than the value. A 95 percentile
of 100
would mean 95%
of the values in the set vas lower than 100
Let’s break down the numbers.
- The
for the transaction approach is~2x
lower. - The
for the transaction approach is~2x
lower. - The
for the transaction approach is~2x
lower. - The
95 percentile
for the transaction approach is~2x
lower. - The
99 percentile
for the transaction approach is~2x
Looking at this we can see that the transaction support is roughly two times faster than the Two-Phase
commit approach. This makes sense, as the amount of operations we need to perform against MongoDB
to finish a Two-Phase
commit, is larger than what is needed for a transaction
Given this we might conclude that the transaction
approach is superior to the Two-Phase
approach. But hold your horses. Lets see what happens when we force transaction
collisions by increasing the load.
Multiple Threads
For the multiple threads scenario we get the following results.

The first graph shows an account transfer using the MongoDB 4.0.x
transaction support approach.

The second graph shows an account transfer using the Two-Phase
commit approach. Lets grab the main numbers and compare them.
Transactions | Two-Phase commit | |
mean ms |
7.42 ms | 7.79 ms |
min ms |
1.6434 ms | 4.7189 ms |
max ms |
87.0411 ms | 116.416 ms |
95 percentile ms |
19.98 ms | 11.23 ms |
99 percentile ms |
30.62 ms | 34.54 ms |
Let’s break down the numbers.
- The
is very similar between the two approaches. - The
for the transaction approach is lower. - The
for the transaction approach is lower. - The
95 percentile
is higher for the transaction approach. - The
99 percentile
is very similar between the two approaches.
We can see that Two-Phase
commit have in general a better overall performance characteristic due to the 95 percentile
saying 95%
of operations took 19.98 ms
or less compared to 30.62 ms
for the transaction approach.
The reason the Two-Phase
approach is now competitive with the transaction
approach, is due to the transaction
approach starting to experience write conflicts
due to the higher concurrent load, forcing the benchmark to retry the transactions until they are successful.
From an initial inspection it would seem that using transactions
would is still a viable way forward as the difference is not enormous between the two approaches. However before we decide, we have to take a couple of additional factors into consideration.
- Transactions only work for
as ofMongoDB 4.0.x
. - The
run-time for a transaction is a minute (anything over a minute gets aborted). - The locking of documents for transactions can cause performance bottlenecks on documents that get a lot of writes as all the transactions get serialized and have to wait their turn to be processed.
transactions yourrepliaset
transactions might end up being distributed transactions that involve multipleshards
. This introduces a large performance penalty as well as new and very complex failure modes, any which one could cause the transaction to fail. In this case its very likely theTwo-Phase
commit approach would significantly outperform the transaction approach.